PROFILE OF THE BAT Kookaburra is the best cricket bat manufacturing company in the world. Kahuna 800 is the bat of kookaburra which is hand crafted and naturally processed, It gives the durability to the bat and also provide the better life. Its manufactured with super spine concept.
Its a full back profile bat which gives the massive power while hitting the ball.
Kahuna 800 is a light weight bat through which the awesome power generates while making the shots.
Kookaburra bats comes from free bat cover which helps to protect the bat to unwanted dents or damages.
ABOUT WILLOW OF THE BAT The willow decided the quality and durability of the bat, To crafted kahuna 800 the premium English Willow is used, its a grade 1 willow which provides 7 to 8 clear and straight grains to the bat.
Kookaburra bats are manufactured by English willow which is imported from England.
ABOUT WEIGHT OF THE BAT Its a light weight bat in kookaburra brand which is around 1180 to 1220 gm, in this weight the players can easily enhance their striking power.
The edges of the bat is around (40 to 42 mm).
Also the players performance depends on the weight of the bat.
ABOUT HANDLE OF THE BAT The handle of of the bat is categoriesed in two types;
*Long handle
*Short handle
Mostly the players used the short handle bat which is made up of 12 Piece Sarawak Cane Round Handle which optimized the flexiblity and strength of the players.
The handle comes with a octopus grip giving you a stronger hold.
In this bat the curve from the tip of the handle to the end of the toe.
ABOUT AUTHENTICITY OF THE KAHUNA 800 The kookaburra uses specific and following symbol to check out the genuinity of the bat.
At the backside of bat 2D hologram is updated.
You can also check the authenticity of the willow and the brand through bar code which is updated at the front side of the bat.
In bar code the authentication no. mention you can verify App.
Player can also check the Kookaburra Mark engraved on toe guards for authenticity.